vrijdag 24 april 2009


Patch.vb #Region " Omnicam Observations " method ProcessCameraData tells WHEN(ex. how many per second) to process the omnicam image.
ManifoldSlam.vb method ProcessOmnicamData processes the cameradata, not giving images only processing, it processes the currentPose too.
ManifoldSlam.vb method ProcessSensorUpdate forwards any sensor update for SLAM, thus this is kind of the controller method.

Find out what is one laserRangeData scan. Is it only 1 point or really 180 points as one object?

Find out if the cameradata is in meters or anything else, because scanmatching works on millimeters.

I think i have to replace ScanObservation.vb with something that works for the omnicam. it is using laser rangedata right now as input. I can also mask the omnicam output again as laser rangedata which is actually still the most easiest way to tackle this problem. The only problem is that laser rangedata has a max of 180 points while omnicam should at least make use of 360 points(1 radial line per degree), will this work on the current SLAM system?? I haven't checked this yet. I can also divide an image in 2 parts (180 points each) and throw them both through the system.

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