woensdag 3 juni 2009


The omnicam rangefinder is working but it's not very accurate at drawing maps. This is why I've tried to do some "map cleaning techniques" today. I've tried not to draw the uncorresponded points of the scan matcher, you can see this at the 1st picture. It's a little bit cleaner but you can see that the map is missing some spots.

I've also tried to increase the maxtranslation ranges in ManifoldSlam.vb, a higher value means that the error distance compared to an older patch can be higher. Therefore it draws fewer patches and thus the map will be less updated. The 2nd picture is the result of that and the technique from the first paragraph, you can see that the robot can't localize itself anymore after a while. The maxtranslation parameter is thus too high and you can clearly see holes in the map thanks to the previous technique.

I've also noticed that the points that are drawn far away are not so accurate, I think this is because of the distance formula. I'm still stuck with that and I guess I have to solve it as soon as possible.

So no real improvements today but I at least know what not to do now, which in turn is a small improvement.

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